Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Due to the Antarctic continent

 is the central uplift around to tilt of the plateau, once a heavy cold Antarctic plateau along the smooth surface around to dive down, will suddenly blustery, forming Antarctic typical "down wind". At 1800 meters to 3000 meters Antarctic plateau, this decline wind is particularly intense and frequent, while the average elevation in 2,000 meters above the GeLuoFuShan area just drop in vogue in the interval within.

In the winds blow at continuously, GeLuoFuShan core DingShan nanling ridge area haggai formed lots of strange shapes of FengLengShi, beautiful, like artificially carving, nature's rare typical wind erosion physiognomy.

As the Antarctic continent very few have mountain dew in los convex ice regions, GeLuoFuShan area kept intact Antarctic ice caps and precious relics, advancing with ice erosion physiognomy wind erosion.
GeLuoFuShan core ha DingShan nearby ice nucleating pyramid is a very strange ice phenomenon, pyramid internal all pure enterprise, spire often braved a huge rock. Experts said that this is a direct measurement of the best enterprise gasification rate logo.

From lebo DingShan extended a linear suspended ice Qi dike, like a huge doubt, by China's expedition team called "love". GeLuoFuShan all-island peak northern side are mostly distributed have due to ice movement scraping formed by the action of gravel belt, representing the modern ice caps the direction of the movement and speed. Gravel belt is found Antarctic expedition team principal place of meteorite, but thousands upon thousands of pieces of rubble selected meteorites, is really a is neither physical eyesight and the cost of things.

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